

Yes, I'm upset with the way I perceive the world. No, I can't just ignore what's going on and play along. Technology is what separates us from animals. We need to embrace the good technology and discard the out-dated.

You need to research LED lights. For growing plants, to be used as backlights on LCD screens, for lighting your way in the dark with renewable energy.

Once you see people living as one within the walls of every room in the world.. you start to see yourself and everything else in this world as all made up of the same thing. We're all together and connected. Don't separate or divide with ideology. Combine and create through technology.



False Flag attacks are when governments attack their own citizens to create a reaction used to justify a war. Research Operation Northwoods. The U.S. gov't has planned these in it's recent past. They do it because they need something and need a war to take control of other countries. The Nazi's were great at it. The U.S. is great at it. Shouldn't we be afraid of what's going on?

Why has poppy production in the U.S controlled Afghanistan gone up 600% since 2001? Especially since poppy production was ZERO after the Taliban took over in 1999? Especially since we are supposedly in Afghanistan to spread "democracy." So, I guess the war on terror allows the war on drugs to slide a bit?

Or, does the U.S. government want it's citizens to be dumb, numb, and ignorant to anything happening outside of American Idol?

We need to wake up. We need to stop believing the lies we hear on the television everyday. News Channels like CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, and the like constantly repeat their so called "facts" over and over and over and over.

When was the last time you saw a TV News Channel ever have a "corrections" show? Corrections, as in like when newspapers admit the that certain bits of their articles/columns were either spelled wrong or flat out false. Newspapers have corrections every single day. TV News NEVER has corrections. Why? Because our congress allows them to lie to us. They don't have to tell us when they're wrong or when they just flat out misled the fuck out of us.

Bush walked into the oval office with 9/11. Investment bankers went to fucking town trading stocks while hundreds of thousands of people died due to their actions. And now Bush leaves us with a trail of Banks that he's bailed out by borrowing money from the Federal Reserve. He doubled our National Debt through false wars. Now he's planning on tripling it by putting us in so much debt we will never get out.

Oh yeah, and he gave us the patriot act. So, we also have no rights and are desperate to do whatever it takes.. like live a life in debt trying our best to work it off.. while he goes back to the oil fields and skyrise conference rooms and decides what country to take over next.

Wake the fuck up America. Use your computers and research. Avoid the mainstream media at all fucking costs. It is the propaganda machine. Do not blame the mainstream media.. they are only reporting the lies that are told to them.

We, as humans, are better than this. We don't like seeing the small guy get beat up by the bully. How can you raise children in bliss when you know the actions of corporate America kills the poor of the world?

There is no middle class. You are not middle class. There is the rich and there is the poor. The rich stay on top, they throw the poor religion and use a fractional reserve money system that only leads to debt for the poor.

We are poor. We are in the majority. If you make less that 250k a year you should wake up and stand up. Boycott the media. Boycott your taxes. Boycott corporations (or at least do your fucking research before you buy another coke, or a coffee from starbucks, or a shirt from wal-mart, or a bank account from BOA), Boycott politics, boycott the military, RIOT for change

Invest in science, technology, renewable resources, feeding/clothing the poor, ridding your life of excess

recycle your television - Quit your meaningless job - help people out - don't add to the chaos by shutting yourself down - add only harmony for everyone -


Commenting on God

I wish you would stop competing with everybody else and join everybody else in making this world what it was meant to be for everyone. Free. No savings of money, no fear of God, no hatred based on nationalistic fervor.

Don't kill yourself.. that would only add to the Chaos like Camus said. Free yourself. Sustain yourself and all those around you. Be a guiding light and ask for no power. No, i'm not religious I'm an atheist. That word is interesting what does it mean?

Well, every person is either an atheist or a theist. An atheist does not BELIEVE in god(s). A theist does BELIEVE in god(s).

So, how do we further characterize the belief or non belief in something? We leave the sphere of BELIEF and look at KNOWLEDGE. Here we come to gnostic or agnostic.

Gnostic is to KNOW that there is a god(s). Agnostic is to not KNOW whether there is a god(s).

So, A gnostic theist not only believes in god(s) he/she knows god(s) exists.
An agnostic theist believes in god(s) but can say that he/she does not know for certain.
A gnostic atheist does not believe in god(s) and knows that no god(s) exist(s).
An agnostic atheist does not believe in god(s) but also does not know whether god(s) do not exist.

So.. you can't pick between being an atheist or being an agnostic.. that shit just doesn't work. Being agnostic isn't a third choice after believing or not believing.

So, You're either a nut who totally knows you're right, A follower who just wants to stay in line just in case, a normal person who totally disagrees with what's going on, or a normal person who thinks he/she might be totally fucking wrong.

Which one are you?