
My hands

I hold you in my hands..you little animal...alright alright alright...you got a joint? it be cooler if you did...watch the leather..alright alright alright..thats the cool thing about high school girls..i get older and they stay the same age..alright alright alright alright alr....

I woke up with this written in my notepad:

As much as we want it to, a single human life is only as meaningful as we make it to be. Cries are important. Death is important. Nothing makes sense in this world. You should never try to make sense in death. Death is nature. Life flickers in and out. We all cry. Death follows us everywhere we go. I wish I could take the pain of my loved ones away from them. Pain is needed to cope with life. Some believe work and love are the only things that keep us going. What do you do when you're unemployed and out of love? Money and sex. Love and work. Confuse them and your life will turn to misery. Perhaps lying to yourself is better than denying yourself the characteristics of a happy life. Bring yourself down to lower standards. Neglect common sense. Make happiness your only priority and forget intelligence. Blind love. Pure hatred. When your brain in numb you can't think. When you can't think you can bring yourself to pure negligence.

every living thing should be allowed to live without interference. nothing should stop life.

I dont know if i agree with that....BUT FUCK YOU BURT REYNOLDS..you and your god damned mesh tank tops...grizzles of that chunky funk make your head collapse just like a robert downey autograph chizzled from the earth held to the past stuck in his habits never made to last



A little drink thats been around for centuries...given the nickname "The Green Fairy"...depicted recently in films such as From Hell and Moulin Rouge...First off...Absinthe *with the E* is the original drink...Absinth is the Czech version of absinthe...the Czech's put an assload of wormwood in their potion...what is wormwood? Absinthe in french means wormwood...wormwood is an herb..that when distilled/put in alcohol releases a chemical called thujone...more or less *there is a lot more to the process*...either way..its the thujone that makes absinth(e) what it is...what does it do to you? well...its like being drunk..in fact..it is being drunk...because most absinth's have HIGH amounts of alcohol....the thujone acts as a stimulant..some call its affects a "clear headed drunkeness"....

I bought two bottles of this stuff...both Czech bottles of absinth....both by a company "Bairnsfather" one is Bitter the other is Reality...Bitter contains 33-35mg of thujone and Reality contains 26mg.....most other French absinthe's contain a mere 10mg

its nothing to shout about really...but...i like it...definitely something to put on the christmas wish list if you've never tried it...Remember..its illegal in the U.S...but several online companies will import it here... i got mine from www.eabsinthe.com they are very professional and extremely quick on delivery....it got right past customs without a problem

If you don't like horrible tasting liquors..then don't buy this..its like drinking battery acid...luckily for me...i don't know how to taste..so it goes down easy...with a slight gagging sensation....i nearly vomitted on my first taste of it...but...it keeps me up all night...which is kind of cool...because i usually am in bed by 8:30


Thankfully Giving Thanks for giving

Is it odd that I have identical scars on my hands? On both my thumbs, i have a cut...in the same place...if i put my thumbs side by side..they match..scar and all....weird...makes me think God is trying to tell me something...like "I want you to cut off your hideous spoon thumbs"...

Heheh..miserable gibberish (the god thing..because..he doesn't exist..for me anyway..i won't allow him/her/whatever to do so..fuck if you "dont know" if he/she/whatever exists..i merely "don't think/care" if it does)...Oh yeah...If you have a thyroid problem, which makes it inevitably hard to lose weight...then right on...fuck it right? nothing matters in this world anyway...so why should losing weight matter if its impossible...but if you're laid back on your couch...and yes..i know how that is...i know that i'm lucky to be able to lay on that god damned couch drinking cokes...but..as of late..i've decided to cut coke out of my diet..why? because look at the fucking nutrient content label on those fuckers...140 Calories in 12 ounces, along with 39 grams of sugar..good hell...what are they trying to do to us? and..thanks a lot for craming in as much caffeine as you possibly can Coca-Cola.... but..switch that shit out with water....water is all we need to survive...running isn't going to help anybody lose weight..it merely defines what you already have...go slow...work up a good sweat during these winter months..20 minutes a day for one solid month should get you results...and remember to stretch....always before and after..stretch god dammit

I have never experienced a caffeine high..i dont get why people suck back coffee to stay up...i've tried...i've had friends fix me up 3 cups of coffee at 1 in the morning and send me off to fight traffic and drousiness on Interstate 95...but i still manage to fall asleep at the wheel

please take into account that being ugly makes you strong..I should know...look at me for christ's sake...wait..are there pictures on these things? hmm..i'll have to get one on here so you can all laugh at the hideousness that follows my reflection and shadows....at one point..i had a porno shot of myself for myspace...anybody lucky enough to have saved that bad boy should be haunted for years to come....indefinitely...


Arrogant and TOTAL ASSHOLE

So, for those of you who believe i'm an asshole I would like to commend you on your thoughts as a human being. We all think, we're all arrogant, nobody likes to live life stuck under a rock, we all want to be on top of the rock..preferably doing something fun...some of us like our rock to be next to a river, or a pond, an ocean, something with a view, perhaps a mountain....we like our rock to have a nice house, a few cars, a fucking television, and whatever else makes us happy...we want our rock to be paid off...no debt, no worries...We go and get a job to make sure that we can afford the rock of our fucking dreams..the jewelry, the computers, the hobbies, snowboarding every weekend, buying things for ourselves and our friends....we are a consumer in a consumed world of greed and hate...My being an asshole is a result of growing up in this world...the worst thing you can possibly do in life is to think that you are better than someone else...and the worst thing after beliveing this..would be to...lower yourself to that person's standards....SO..if you think i'm an asshole..why would you insult me? wouldnt insulting an asshole or trying to make that asshole feel bad be lowering yourself to the asshole level? People cannot and will not change...if something is wrong in your life..it will be wrong for its entirety...because no matter what you do..you growing up in this world will leave you saturated in its filth....stop fucking crying...stop thinking that there is something that can be done to better the world....look at all the people doing so much good in the world...and wonder why they're doing it...people have jobs because they get stuck in their jobs....its all about who you know...the few lucky ones come from nothing and achieve wealth...but that wealth leads them right back to the fucking trailor park trash lifestyle that they grew up in...

Technology has allowed us humans to stop caring about everything...we're destroying our bodies, our land, our air, whatever else you can think of....Native Americans would run 50 miles to a battle, fight, win, and run 50 miles back to stop western development from the French and English...they did this for 200 years....today...the thought of running a mile sickens most of us...we are getting fatter everyday as we speak....I am getting fatter everyday...its the american way.....Then people get freaked out about how they look and stop eating...its a vicious cycle...

You can't trade in your body when it craps out on you....listening to your stereo at full blast while doing 80 on the highway will lead to hearing loss...staring at the TV and your computer screen will destroy your vision....I am just someone who believes that you should take care of your body...and I also believe in speaking my mind...i'm not aiming what I say to anyone...and i'm not expecting anyone to really listen to what i say...

so....i'll be the first to say that YES...im a dick...but...if you call me a dick...guess what..that makes you a dick...so..how "better" are you than me? We're the fucking same..just like everybody else...we all live here...we all have to deal with eachother...screaming and yelling isn't going to make our lives any longer...and fighting will only cause more bewilderment

so...laugh at the funny things i write...and if you find any meaning here...don't let my stupid side thougts piss you off enough to become the asshole that nobody wants to hang out with