It was used interestingly to describe what one of the Seven Deacons, Nicholas, was doing after he became "celebant" in the 4th century.
He became celebant to avoid appearing as if he cared more about his wife than his ministry. He left his wife, as most and many popes and priests did after celebacy became instated in the 4th century, and began doing what Epiphanius of Salamis called "sex practices against nature".
The short lived sect of "Nicolaism" believed that as long as you didn't "marry" you could go along and fuck anything you wanted. The Church later said anyone following Nicolaism was committing an antinomian heresy.
Antinomianism was coined by Martin Luther to describe religious leaders who thought existing laws inside and outside the church no longer applied to themselves.
According to Father Tom Doyle the Catholic church consists of two types of people. There is the hierarchy or the sacred pastors who are picked by God to lead and there are the vast throng or the lay people who are supposed to be docile, obedient, and followers. The hierarchy protects itself from outside laws because they believe they are supposed to be in control of earth and it's inhabitants all thanks to god's will.
When you think about Celebacy you really have to think less about a lack of marriage and sex and more about financial gain for the Church. The Catholic Institutional leaders saw that priests who had children would inevitably leave their inheritance to the oldest son. After celebacy was instated priests now left their properties to the church.
Problems of sexual abuse started to arise within the Catholic Church after celebacy became common practice. Celebacy doesn't mean sex will not happen, it just means marriage will not happen. Sex is simply not supposed to happen because in the religion sexual thought of a secure "Man of the Cloth" simply should never arise.
When sexual abuse does occur in the church it is completely and un-deniably covered up. When large amounts of people started coming forward and telling their stories about Catholic priest sexual abuse in the late 70s and early 80s the lawyers for the Catholic church came up with the term "Formation Privilege". The Church lawyers said Formation Privilege (a term they fucking made up) made it so that any communication between a bishop and a priest was seen as a confessional and therefore confidential. They made up a fucking "religious" law so the actual law (this was in Los Angeles Superior Court) was able to be side stepped and they could get away with not having to show documentation of Bishops knowing that priests were fucking children.
So, basically, when people try to tell me Religion helps more people than it harms... It really hurts me knowing that I can never fully allow them to understand that in actuality it has harmed much more than it's helped. When I see Government mixed with Religion it makes me cringe because that is the most slippery slope imaginable. I really wish people would wake up from this fantasy of God running their world.
Pretty good post, not great, but could be better.
Priest screwing children gets big coverage in the news for obvious reasons and the act is inexcusable, no doubt about that.
Having said that, I don't think that the act is any more vile than the CEO of large corporation or the neighborhood stalker that's doing the same thing. We simply put these people (priest) in a different light in society and because of that the act is somehow more evil (no pun intended).
I will disagree with you a little bit in terms of "Religion" hurting more than it's helping. Religion has its place in society, I'm not pro or against it, I think it's awesome that people have free choice. On the other side of the freedom of religion are all the lives and blood that have been and will be shed in the name of God.
But how do you quantify the hurt and suffering that religion has caused? Do we just count all the wars that are / were religious in nature, add up the bodies?
I think it's deeper than that..humans in nature are combative. Before religion even existed and apes began to walk on two feet, I would bet my left testicle, humanoids were getting killed and raped then. This is true in nature today as it was hundreds of thousands of years ago, the difference is we just have medical terms for it now.
The suppress ones needs to have sex in the name of God is foolish to me. That type of lifestyle in my opinion leads to deviant types fantasies. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter whether you're wearing a North Face shirt or a cloth blessed by God, you're gonna want to fuck something, it's what YOU WERE MADE TO DO.
//Cheers fucker
NR @ ExPla.net
Thanks Nik. My blog really is a small thought on a huge issue. The Priest issue though really is different from most rape cases. Priests are given full access to the lives of good catholics. CEOs and neighborhood stalkers aren't allowed over for supper at the parents request. Whereas Priests walk right on up to the kids bedroom door to talk about scripture.
Priests definitely don't get to fuck and that fucks up their heads. Any kind of sexual disturbance (especially in the male mind) can make nasty deviant thoughts pop up.
I really think the two worst things on this planet are Alcohol and Religion. They are both man-made and have the tendency to ruin good situations.
Thanks for the comment and yeah I'll try to put some more thought into the next "blog" I make..
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