
My hands

I hold you in my hands..you little animal...alright alright alright...you got a joint? it be cooler if you did...watch the leather..alright alright alright..thats the cool thing about high school girls..i get older and they stay the same age..alright alright alright alright alr....

I woke up with this written in my notepad:

As much as we want it to, a single human life is only as meaningful as we make it to be. Cries are important. Death is important. Nothing makes sense in this world. You should never try to make sense in death. Death is nature. Life flickers in and out. We all cry. Death follows us everywhere we go. I wish I could take the pain of my loved ones away from them. Pain is needed to cope with life. Some believe work and love are the only things that keep us going. What do you do when you're unemployed and out of love? Money and sex. Love and work. Confuse them and your life will turn to misery. Perhaps lying to yourself is better than denying yourself the characteristics of a happy life. Bring yourself down to lower standards. Neglect common sense. Make happiness your only priority and forget intelligence. Blind love. Pure hatred. When your brain in numb you can't think. When you can't think you can bring yourself to pure negligence.

every living thing should be allowed to live without interference. nothing should stop life.

I dont know if i agree with that....BUT FUCK YOU BURT REYNOLDS..you and your god damned mesh tank tops...grizzles of that chunky funk make your head collapse just like a robert downey autograph chizzled from the earth held to the past stuck in his habits never made to last

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