
Who was Valentine?

When I was younger I went to school with a fellow named Phillip Valentine. I never enjoyed the fact that he was alive for two reasons. First his name was Phillip, and second my name is Philip. I won't divulge how many teachers spelled my name wrong on account of this bastard. I will, on the otro, otro being other, hand say that I do have a particular bond with all the other Philip's out there in this crazy world. This Phillip character was a goofball. He wasn't as bad as the nerd that wore prescription goggles during recess, but he still was hated by most all of the school. I certainly didn't mind that he was hated. I hated him because all reference to him constituted a sub-conscious and or psychological reference to myself. When somebody said "Hey, Phillip pissed his pants on the school bus again," for a split second anyone could have believed it was me that pissed my pants. I was glad when Phillip hung himself outside of my house exactly 8 years ago today. It was only then when I could drag myself to school without the thought of him on my mind. So, that was who Valentine was. If you have a problem with that you can go to hell. Of course, one has to believe in hell to go there. So, if you have a problem with this do me a favor. First, believe in a religion that offers hell as one of its afterlife options. Then, go there.

P.S. Valentine didn't kill himself. He just "came out" to me 8 years ago. "Hung" you get what i'm saying. We've been seeing eachother ever since...i mean......

1 comment:

PJ Rivard said...

Yo Phil, you're the funniest..HAHHAHA>.god i can't stop laughing..hahah...hung..hahah...oh..my goodness..funny stuff...i love you bitch.